Thursday 15 August 2013

Heya its Courtney

guess what Ella getting a ipod just like me so i can imessage her

p.s. Follow me on Inststergram 1dmrs_horan

so right now im watching Two and a half Men eppiiccccc jakes is so funny

well anywa- GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT im getting jelly tomorrrow i loovveee jelly and did i just cut my self up im so sad


im eating pringles ( sour cream and onion ) comment 'love' if you lovvee pringles !!

soooo...... brb gonna look at a cute boys profile on facebook ( smiley face )

okay okay back phew one word H.O.T i will tell you hiss name - alex **** what i cant give you his FULL name

well gtg byee


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